Monday, July 21, 2014

WNBR San Francisco July 26th

3rd Annual World Naked Bike Ride - San Francisco 2014 Northern Hemisphere Ride - Part II

This is the BIG ONE!!! Well, the second BIG ONE!!! Heck, lets just call it the Third Annual World Naked Bike Ride - San Francisco 2014 Northern Hemisphere Ride - Part II. A number of cities in the farther northern latitudes have scheduled their WNBRs in July, including Vancouver, the home of our WNBR founder Conrad Schmidt. In his honor and all the other participating cities conducting rides, San Francisco will also ride again. This will be our 4th and final WNBR of the 2014 bike naking season.

So once again, on Saturday, July 26, it is time to bring your bikes to Justin Herman Plaza between Market Street & the Embarcadero Blvd.

We meet on the northeast side of Vaillancourt Fountain, between the fountain and Embarcadero Blvd at 11 AM. Bring body paints, watercolors and markers to apply slogans and designs to each other and adorn your bikes with signs; meet with old and new friends.

While it is a "naked" bike ride, all are welcome; it's ride as bare as you dare. That is, body paint, rubber latex, bikinis, topless, lingerie, bubble pack, whatever costume you are comfortable riding with. And all types of bikes are welcome too. How about some more tandems? Unicycles. Hey, get your friends with music bikes to ride too. Skaters and skateboarders have also joined past rides.

Our ride is part of a global protest taking place today in many cities throughout the US, Europe and other cities in the Northern Hemisphere. Tens of thousands of naked bike riders are protesting the global dependency of our society and economies at the hands of the oil cartels. We want to emphasize the harm this dependency causes to our environment, businesses and social lives. Nobody is unaffected. We want to endorse more bike riding and our nudity expresses our vulnerability to these matters. It also draws attention to our cause.

We will ride through many popular spots in the city such as the Haight, the outer edges of Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beach and the Great Highway, south to the San Francisco Zoo and back to the heart of the city. It's great fun and an event you shouldn't miss. 

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